Developing new options for Cystic Fibrosis lung infections

Disrupting the biofilms that protect chronic lung bacterial infections

Cystic Fibrosis affects 1 in 3,500 births with approximately 70,000 patients worldwide and 31,000 in the USA alone. Patients develop a thick sticky mucus in their lungs, which is susceptible to infection and which over time results in inflammation and lung function decline.

Respirion is developing a novel inhaled treatment for Cystic Fibrosis patients that combines a widely used antibiotic with a biofilm disrupting agent which has been shown in an initial patient study to significantly improve bacterial clearance and improve lung function.

The Problem

Cystic Fibrosis infections remain an unmet medical need despite new therapies aimed at addressing the malfunctioning protein that regulates the disease

Antibiotics are used to fight or control bacteria that cause Cystic Fibrosis lung infections. In chronic P. aeruginosa lung infections, the standard of care is continuous, alternate monthly use of the two antibiotics approved in the United States for inhalation – tobramycin and aztreonam.

A vicious circle of infection and inflammation leads to progress lung damage and reduction in lung function, culminating in respiratory failure. Once infection with P. aeruginosa is established, eradication becomes impossible as the bacteria form antibiotic resistant biofilms.

Initial infection with P. aeruginosa

Sometimes cleared with current antibiotics

Chronic infection with P. aeruginosa

Inflammation leading to exacerbations and lung damage

Lung Transplant

The Solution – RSP-1502

RSP-1502 is a combination of FDA an approved antibiotic (tobramycin) with a novel biofilm disruption agent which is formulated for inhalation by patients, utilizing an ultra efficient vibrating mesh nebulizer, which also reduces treatment time down to 5-10 minutes.

RSP-1502 has completed a human pilot study conducted in conjunction with the Telethon Kids Institute and the Health Department of Western Australia. This study showed improved bacterial clearance and improved lung function in patients treated with RSP-1502 compared to placebo + tobramycin.